Welcome to the Fabulous Remixer Machine!

The Remixer Machine is the perfect collaborative activity for creative people. Create a remix from someone else's remix, or choose a template below and get making.

Become a member

Members of the Remixer Machine Community can now create Private Galleries, which come with the following remix superpowers:

  • Customise the template remix
  • Share an unlisted link with your own community of remixers
  • Remove any unwanted remixes.


Remix the speech bubbles in these fab cartoons:

Remix this!
On the Couch

So how did it make you feel?

Remix this!
But Jeff...

Hat tip to Roy Lichtenstein for this one.

Remix this!
My cat

Who can really know what it going on in the mind of a cat...

Remix this!
Venn insight

It's harder than it looks.

Remix this!

Honey - have you seen my paaaaaants?

latest remixes

Fetching remixes...


Hat tip
Hat tip

Give someone a little recognition by tipping your hat and sending them the remix.

Field Notes
Field Notes

A thought, a photo and a location.

Super-simple badge
Super-simple badge

Is awarding a badge ever simple? You tell me...


Free speech for cartoons!

Playing Card
Playing Card

Aces are high...


Are your levels critical?



Have a tinker with this little beauty...

Scribble Stitch
Scribble Stitch

How's your stitching?

OEGlobal Postcard
OEGlobal Postcard

Send OEGlobal an Open postcard.

#AmplifyFE Community Map
#AmplifyFE Community Map

Add your hashtag to the #AmplifyFE community map.

Digital Quilt
Digital Quilt

Add your hex patch to the community quilt.

X-Ray Specs
X-Ray Specs

Careful, it's hypnotic...


You ain't said it, 'til you said it with a bus...

Remix 'n' Match
Remix 'n' Match

A remixable twist on the hilarious mix 'n' match game.

Reclaim your VHS
Reclaim your VHS

Tape it and watch it later.


Triangles, Polygons and Circles, oh my!

Pixel Pic
Pixel Pic

Create your own pixels, then pixelate!


Pixelate your images.


Plastic pollution is killing me.


Yes? No? A little bit?

Trading Card
Trading Card

There's nothing like a Trading Card to elevate something or someone to the leagues of greatness.


OERxDomains21 Media Pass
OERxDomains21 Media Pass

Have you got yours?

Soup up my deck
Soup up my deck

Old Skool or Back to the Future. You choose...


Tzzz. Plug in. Switch on to OER. Kraaaaang...


Open your work
Open your work

With a little help from some GO-GN penguins

Badge Bloom
Badge Bloom

Use this simple tool to work through the design of your own badge.

Project World
Project World

Remix the world.


Craft your own periodic table. It's alchemy, dude...